a guide to becoming a better steward of the earth through ecological food & habitat gardening in your backyard
learning & unlearning
learn about ecological gardening and how it positively impacts the earth and unlearn the aspects of conventional gardening that negatively impact the earth
wildlife habitat gardening
how to set up a wildlife habitat garden in your own backyard (or front yard or whatever you have)
food gardening
how to create a food garden in your own backyard (whether it's a larger suburban backyard, a tiny unban plot, or just a small balcony)
houston & southeast texas natives
list of plants native to houston and the southeast texas region
about hey little bat
nature-related books and film
“We who care, we who understand, must use every means at our disposal to fight back. We shall lose some of the battles--but we must not give up. And we have a powerful ally, for nature, ever resilient and resourceful, will, given time, clothe a devastated landscape with green growing things so that it becomes a place where animals can once again thrive.”
Jane Goodall, Seeds of Hope, 2014