houston & southeast tx natives
list of my favorite plants native to houston and the southeast texas region and well-adapted non-natives beneficial to an ecological garden
Note: when I use the term native, I am referring to plants and animals native to my fairly specific region: Houston, Harris County, Southeast Texas. A Texas native is not necessarily going to do well in my region, as east, west, north, south, and central are all vastly different from each other.
My Top Native Plants/Small Shrubs (full sun-part sun)
Coral Honeysuckle
latin name: Lonicera sempervirens
habit: vine
size: up to 20′
light: full sun/part sun
water: moist
bloom time: mar-jun
benefits: birds, insects, bees, butterflies, moths, hummingbirds, bats`
notes: no pests; larval host; prefers rich soil
latin name: Passiflora incarnata
habit: vine
size: up to 25′
light: full sun/part sun
water: dry
bloom time: mar-jun
benefits: bees, butterflies, edible fruit
notes: lemon fragrance; apricot-like fruit Passiflora caerulea is what I have and pictured-not a true native, but has the same benefits; butterfly larvae host
Black-eyed Susan
latin name: Rudbeckia hirta
habit: herb
size: up to 3′
light: full sun
water: dry/moist
bloom time: apr-nov
benefits: birds, insects, bees, butterflies
notes: larval host
Blanket Flower
latin name: Gaillardia pulchella
habit: herb
size: 1-2’h
light: full sun/part sun
water: dry
bloom time: jan-dec, mostly may-aug
benefits: bees, butterflies
notes: can get unruly
Purple Coneflower
latin name: Echinacea purpurea
habit: herb
size: up to 4′
light: full sun
water: dry
bloom time: apr-sep
benefits: birds, bees, butterflies, moths
notes: mine never survive into their second year but I will keep trying; can be aggressive
Bee Balm/Lemon Mint
latin name: Monarda citriodora
habit: herb
size: 1-2’h
light: full sun/part sun
water: dry
bloom time: apr-
benefits: insects, bees, butterflies, hummingbirds
notes: can get unruly legs; prone to powdery mildew
Devil’s Trumpet/Datura
latin name: Datura wrightii
habit: shrub
size: up to 6’h x 10’w
light: full sun/part sun
water: dry
bloom time: may-nov (night)
benefits: moths, bats
notes: fragrant; toxic; winter dieback
Dwarf Barbados Cherry
latin name: Malphigia glabra
habit: shrub
size: 3-4’h
light: full sun/part sun
water: dry
bloom time: jan-apr, sep-dec
benefits: birds, insects, butterflies, moths
notes: berries
Aquatic Milkweed
latin name: Asclepias perennis
habit: herb
size: 32″h
light: full sun/part sun
water: wet
bloom time: apr-sep
benefits: bees, butterflies
notes: butterfly larvae host; toxic; prone to aphids
latin name: Phyla nodiflora
habit: herb/groundcover
size: 3-6″h
light: full sun/part sun
water: dry/moist
bloom time: may-nov
benefits: insects, butterflies
notes: spreads aggressively-if using in a small area, needs borders to contain it; erosion control; drought and flood tolerant
Yellow Water Lily
latin name: Nymphaea mexicana
habit: herb
size: up to 6″ above water line
light: full sun
water: wet
bloom time: mar-oct
Virginia Iris
latin name: Iris virginica
habit: herb
size: 3’h
light: full sun
water: wet
bloom time: may-jul
benefits: birds, dragonflies
My Top Native Plants/Small Shrubs (part shade-shade; *also tolerate full sun)
Southern Arrowwood*
latin name: Viburnum dentatum
habit: shrub
size: up to 10′
light: all
water: moist
bloom time: may-jul
benefits: birds, bees, butterflies
notes: berries; disease and pest free; flood tolerant
Oakleaf Hydrangea
latin name: Hydrangea quercifolia
habit: shrub
size: 3-12’h
light: shade
water: moist
bloom time: apr-jul
notes: fragrant; pest free
American Beautyberry
latin name: Callicarpa americana
habit: shrub
size: 3-6’h x 4-6’w
light: part sun
water: moist
bloom time: may-jun
benefits: birds, butterflies
notes: berries; prefers rich soil
Texas Wisteria*
latin name: Wisteria fructens
habit: vine
size: 25-30′
light: all
water: moist
bloom time: may-jun
benefits: butterflies
notes: fragrant; nitrogen fixer; prefers slightly acidic soil; butterfly larvae host
latin name: Symphoricarpos orbiculatus
habit: shrub
size: up to 2’h
light: part sun/shade
water: dry
bloom time: apr-jun
benefits: birds, bees
notes: winter berries; erosion control; drought tolerant; spreads
Turk’s Cap
latin name: Malvaviscus arbors v drummondi
habit: shrub
size: 2-9’h
light: part sun/shade
water: dry/moist
bloom time: may-nov
benefits: birds, insects, butterflies, moths, hummingbirds
notes: winter dieback
latin name: Rivina humilis
habit: herb
size: up to 1.5’h
light: part sun
water: moist
bloom time:
benefits: birds
notes: toxic; erosion control
Chili Pequin*
latin name: Capsicum annuum
habit: shrub
size: up to 2’h
light: all
water: moist
bloom time: may-oct
benefits: edible, birds
notes: winter dieback
Texas Sedge*
latin name: Carex texensis
habit: grass
size: up to 1′
light: full sun/part sun
water: dry/moist
bloom time: mar-may
Inland Sea Oats
latin name: Chasmanthium latifolium
habit: grass
size: 2-4’h
light: part shade/shade
water: moist
bloom time: jun-sep
benefits: birds, butterflies
notes: butterfly larvae host
latin name: Calyptocarpus vialis
habit: herb
size: 8-10″h
light: all
water: dry
bloom time: mar-nov
benefits: butterflies
notes: spreads; drought and flood tolerant
Lyreleaf Sage*
latin name: Salvia lyrata
habit: herb
size: 1-2’h
light: all
water: dry/moist
bloom time: mar-jun
benefits: butterflies, hummingbirds
notes: drought and flood tolerant
My Top Non-Native But Highly Beneficial Herbs (full sun)
Dill (in flower)
latin name: Anthem graveolens
habit: herb
size: 2-3’h
light: full sun
water: well-drained
bloom time:
benefits: edible, insects, butterflies
notes: butterfly larvae host; native to the Mediterranean and Southeast Europe
latin name: Petroselinum crisp neapolitanum
habit: herb
size: 8-24″h
light: full sun
water: well-drained
bloom time:
benefits: edible, insects
notes: provides K, Ca, Mg, Fe to soil; butterfly larvae host; native to the Eastern Mediterranean
Cilantro (in flower)
latin name: Coriandrum sativum
habit: herb
size: 2’h x 1’w
light: full sun
water: well-drained
bloom time:
benefits: edible, insects
notes: native to Southern Europe
latin name: Salvia rosemarinus
habit: herb
size: up to 6’h x 4’w
light: full sun
water: well-drained
bloom time:
benefits: edible, insects
notes: native to the Mediterranean
latin name: Borago officinalis
habit: herb
size: 1-3’h x 9-24″w
light: full sun
water: well-drained
bloom time: summer-fall
benefits: edible, insects, bees, butterflies
notes: adds K and Si to the soil; native to Europe
African Blue Basil (in flower)
latin name: Ocimum sp
habit: herb
size: 3’h x 3’w
light: full sun
water: well-drained
bloom time: apr-
benefits: edible, bees, butterflies, hummingbirds
notes: native to East Africa
My Top Non-Native But Highly Beneficial Plants (can tolerate some shade)
latin name: Mentha spicata
habit: herb
size: 1-3’h x 3-5’w
light: part sun
water: moist
bloom time: summer
benefits: edible, insects
notes: native to North America, Eurasia, South Africa, and Australia
latin name: Origanum vulgare
habit: herb
size: 1-3’h x 2-4’w
light: part sun
water: well-drained
bloom time:
benefits: edible, insects
notes: native to West and Southwest Europe and the Mediterranean
latin name: Thymus vulgeris
habit: herb
size: 6-12″h x 10″w
light: full sun/part sun
water: well-drained
bloom time: summer
benefits: edible, butterflies, bats?
notes: native to Europe, the Mediterranean, Turkey, and Greenland
latin name: Allium schoenoprasum
habit: herb
size: 6-18″h x 8-12″w
light: part sun
water: well-drained
bloom time: spring
benefits: edible, insects
notes: adds K and Ca to the soil; native to Europe and Asia
Variegated Red Shrimp Plant
latin name: Justicia brandegeana ‘variegata’
habit: shrub
size: 2-6’h x 2-4’w
light: part sun
water: well-drained
bloom time:
benefits: hummingbirds
notes: butterfly larvae host; native to Mexico
Night-Blooming Jasmine
latin name: Cestrum nocturnum
habit: shrub
size: 8’h x6’w
light: part sun
water: well-drained
bloom time: (night)
benefits: moths, bats
notes: fragrant; winter dieback; native to the West Indies
My Top Native Tall Trees
Live Oak
latin name: Cuercus virginiana
habit: tall tree
size: 40-80’h
light: full sun
bloom time: mar-apr
benefits: birds, butterflies
notes: adds K to the soil, forage
latin name: Carya illinoinensis
habit: tall tree
size: 70-100’h
light: full sun
water: moist
bloom time: spring
benefits: edible, birds, butterflies, moths
notes: would be on my list if I have space
My Top Native Short Trees
Mexican Plum
latin name: Prunus mexicanus
habit: deciduous short tree
size: up to 35′
light: full sun/part sun
water: dry/moist
bloom time: feb-apr
benefits: edible, birds, moths
notes: on my list; erosion control
latin name: Sambucus nigra
habit: deciduous short tree
size: up to 12′
light: part sun
water: moist
bloom time: may-jul
benefits: edible, birds, bees, butterflies, hummingbirds
notes: on my list; prefers rich, slightly acidic soil; fragrant
Excellent Web Resources
- Native Plant Society of Texas, Houston Chapter Native Plant Guide (PDF)
- Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center searchable plant database select your state/province for plants native to your area
- Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center Plant Database Search for Texas narrow your search by selecting specific criteria